Centre for the Advancement of Civil Society Organisations

What we do

Our core activities include

Capacity building

Developing skills, knowledge and guiding implementation for effective beneficiary engagement

We define capacity building as a dynamic process aimed at developing the skills, knowledge, and capabilities. This journey involves identifying needs, acquiring skills and knowledge, developing resources, guiding through implementation, internalizing learnings and self-correcting.

In line with this perspective, we equip organisations and teams with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective beneficiary engagement. Furthermore, we provide ongoing support throughout all stages of the beneficiary involvement process, offering guidance, mentorship, tailored tool development, and expertise to address specific needs at crucial points.
Our comprehensive support ensures that beneficiary involvement is not only initiated but also implemented, evaluated, adjusted as needed, and ultimately embedded in the organisation’s culture.


Supporting teams in beneficiary-inclusive projects

We actively collaborate on projects by ensuring the meaningful involvement of beneficiaries. This includes guiding stakeholders in designing and implementing effective strategies for beneficiary engagement and  offering tailored support throughout all  the phases of the project.

Engaging in collaborative partnerships

In collaborative partnerships, our role extends from coordinating the involvement of beneficiaries throughout the project to actively participating and contributing expertise in activities designed to enhance their perspectives.